Mastering JSON Processing with JQ

Andrei Baptista
2 min readJun 6, 2023


In today’s data-centric environment, being able to comprehend and manipulate JSON data effectively is a vital ability. Large JSON files can make things rather difficult and time-consuming to handle manually. However, the lightweight, adaptable, and potent command-line program JQ makes processing JSON quite simple. This post will walk you through JQ’s fundamentals and highlight a few instances where it excels.

What is JQ?

JQ is a flexible, lightweight, and command-line-based JSON processor. It’s like awk or sed but specifically designed for JSON data. You can use it to slice, filter, map, or transform structured data.

Installing JQ

JQ is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. For Linux, you can use the package manager apt or yum. On macOS, you can use Homebrew:

# Linux (Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install jq
# macOS
brew install jq

Basic JSON Processing with JQ

Once you’ve installed JQ, you can start processing JSON data. Let’s start with a basic JSON:

“name”: “John Doe”,
“age”: 30,
“friends”: [“Alice”, “Bob”, “Charlie”]

To pretty-print this JSON file (let’s say the file is data.json), you can use:

jq ‘.’ data.json

jq '.' is the most basic JQ filter that takes an input and produces it unchanged as output.

Digging Deeper with JQ

Let’s say you want to print the value of a specific key. You can do this by providing the key name:

jq ‘.name’ data.json

This will output: "John Doe"

What if you want to print the first friend from the “friends” array?

jq ‘.friends[0]’ data.json

This will output: "Alice"

JQ also supports more complex operations. For example, to map over an array, you can use map(). If you have a JSON file with multiple objects and you want to print all "name" fields:

jq ‘.[] | .name’ data.json

Writing JQ Scripts

You can write more complex scripts with JQ by creating a .jq file.

Let’s say we have a script named script.jq:


You can then pipe a JSON file to this script:

jq -f script.jq data.json


JQ is an invaluable tool in a developer’s toolkit. It’s flexible, powerful, and lightweight, making it perfect for dealing with JSON data. Although the basics of JQ are straightforward, the tool is packed with powerful features, allowing you to write complex scripts for more advanced JSON processing tasks. The only limit to using JQ effectively is your creativity and understanding of the problem at hand.

For more details and a complete list of functionalities, you can visit the official JQ manual. Happy JQing!



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